Ms. Harvey is one of eight 2020 Connecticut Hall of Change Inductees recognizing here 20 plus years of successful reentry and her contributions to Connecticut becoming a Second Chance state through her policy advocacy. Currently, Ms. Harvey is the founder and board chair of Once INCarcerated Anonymous a CT based 501c3 working to End Justice Impacted Homelessness. LaResse Harvey has five college degrees, including a bachelor’s in social work. Ms. Harvey is a certified behavior specialist and has developed over fifty successful programs for women and girls these past two decades.
This book has helped hundreds of women & men talk, get help and care for those who are survivors of sexual abuse, prison and trauma.
Ms. Harvey
Currently as an author Ms Harvey has received 5 awards for her book Buttons Journey My First Two Years Living with PTSD. LaResse exemplifies what it means to Pave Your Pain into Power!